Color Mix

Color Mix by Michael Raivard

Nowadays, many painters become performer. This new artistic discipline is more and more valorized in France and in the world. Every artist is supposed to innovate, create, and develop a unique and original art on stage. As a performer painter moved by the creation of new forms of Speed Painting, Raivard opts for a system of color set up, the color mix which offers him a broad tint choice, a reinforced opacity, an exceptional durability and noble products necessary for his Live Gluing or Glitter Painting. [read_more id="2" more="Read more" less="Read less"] Generally, the performer painter uses it to make dream the public at each of his representations (anniversary, marriage, baptism or meeting).

This new concept of color mix is unique both on the technical and practical plan. It enables the artist to offer a color response never attempted before reason why the result of his shows are surprising and satisfactory no matter the representation done. Even if the customers have particular colors. Thanks to the Color mix, Raivard’s representations are done within a variety of colors for the great satisfaction of the public.


Color Mix videos by Michael Raivard

Every performer painter who respects himself must make recourse to the use of specific and efficient tools to come up with exceptional works. Michael Raivard is conscious of this fact up to the point that he never hesitate to make use of paint which offers a variety of colors and thereby creating the color mix. This new system of tint setting offers many advantages during his show, expect for the precision of exact pictures reproduction, portraits, logo and fresco and a diversity of tints.

Michael Raivard Color Mix photographies

Color mix is a new system of paint which offers a broad tint choices, a reinforced opacity and an exceptional durability. Some renounced performer painters like Michael Raivard make use of it during their artistic representation Live Gluing made on a spectacular technology (Glitter Painting, Speed Art Color, Upside Down) to arouse a particular emotion on the public. Be it an anniversary show, gala or a meeting, the masterpiece of a color mix is without any doubt surprising and sparkling. Just a mere paint, the color mix can be considered as a spectacular art.

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